Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sage is 8 months!

It is amazing how quickly the time has passed. It seems like just yesterday that we learned we were pregnant with Sage. Now, he's here, healthy, and he has just learned that he will be a big brother! Yes, you read that right. We are pregnant! The due date is November 5th. Keep posted for more news on that.

Sage is still working on his 7th and 8th teeth. You can actually see them through the gums. One good chomp and I know they will finally poke through. His latest form of entertainment is watching Jessie eat. I'm not quite sure why it's so funny but it really gets Sage laughing hard.

Jessie is getting around better on her 3 legs. She still is a bit timid starting up the stairs but she'll get used to them. She has gained more energy and has had a couple good play sessions. I still need to rehab her for long walks. We went on a walk with the neighbor a couple weeks ago, she got so tired, the kids had to walk so we could put Jessie in the stroller. She was very thankful and a little embarrassed. I do have photographic evidence of this. It's on my phone and I'm not sure how to get it onto the computer. Jones will help me with that later so I can share the picture.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Learning to blog

I have not been very good about keeping everyone in the loop with our family. Here is my attempt to do that.
Sage is growing like a weed. He is about 21 pounds and very tall. He is crawling and loves to stand holding on to anything. He has 6 teeth (soon to be 8) he says, "dada", "mama", and "baba". This week, he has another 1st...his first ear infection. That part we could do without.

Jessie is now a 3 legged dog. She had joint cancer in her right hind leg. The only treatment that would prolong her life was the amputation. After a few setbacks, she seems to be adjusting.
Anthony is working and doing well in school. He spends a lot of time with his friends so we don't see him much.
Jones and I are doing well. We are enjoying spending time with our little man. We can't believe how quickly he's changing.
Well, this my first attempt. Let me know if there is something else you want to know.